Selasa, 27 Februari 2018

Type of website

Type of website

5.Online social network

a websites that offers variety of internet services from single,
convenient location

Contains content that promotes or sells product or services.

an informal web site consisting of time -stamped articles, or post in a diary or journal format, usually
listed in reverse chronological order.

a collaborative web site that allows users to create, add to, modify, or delete the website content via their web browser

5.Online social Network
encourages members in its online community to share their interest, ideas, stories, photos, music and video with other registered users

Selasa, 13 Februari 2018

Internet Services

Type of internet services:

  1. World Wide Web (WWW)
  2. e-mail
  3. Instant Messaging
  4. Voice over Protocol (VoIP)
  5. Message Board
  6. File transfer Protocol (FTP)

1.World Wide Web (WWW)
        -is a world wide collection of electronic documents

        -is the transmission of message and files via a computer network

3.Instant Messaging
        -is a real time typed conversation with another connected user 
         where you also can exchange photos, video, and other content

4.Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
        -is a conversation that takes place over the Internet using a telephone connected
         to a computer, mobile devices,or other devices

5. Message Board
        -is an online area in which users have written discussions about a particular subject

6.File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
        -is an internet standard that permits file uploading and downloading with 
         other computer on the Internet

Type of Internet ServicesAdvantagesDisadvantages
WWWeasy to find informationplace to promote pornography
e-mailfaster communicationinformation overload
Instant Messaging ability to keep in contact with familyboth users must online to make conversation
VoIPinexpensive and easy to useneed high speed internet
Message Boardeasy to take opinion from otherquestion may be overload
File transfer Protocolwe can send files in bulkslow internet may delays the transfering

Types of Computer Security Risk and Security Measure

Types of Computer Security Risk  Definition of computer security risk: Any event or action that could cause a loss of or damage to ...